
The following function prototypes can be found in the serialization.h header file.

#include <flashfix/serialization.h>

These functions don't check the validity of messages, they assume that the message struct is correctly filled with the right values.


uint16_t ff_serialize(char *restrict buffer, const fix_message_t *restrict message);


serializes a fix message into a buffer by concatenating the fields with '=' and '\x01' delimiters and adding the mandatory beginstring, bodylength, and checksum fields.


  • buffer - the buffer where to store the serialized message
  • message - the message struct containing the fields to serialize


  • length of the serialized message in bytes

Undefined Behavior

  • buffer is NULL
  • message is NULL
  • message doesn't fit in the buffer
  • value_len and tag_len are different from the actual length of the value and tag
  • field_count is different from the actual number of fields in the message
  • message with NULL fields
  • message with empty {} fields array
  • message with empty "" field strings
  • message with value_len == 0 or tag_len == 0
  • message with field_count == 0


uint16_t ff_serialize_raw(char *restrict buffer, const fix_message_t *restrict message);


serializes a fix message into a buffer by concatenating the fields with '=' and '\x01' delimiters.


  • buffer - the buffer where to store the serialized message
  • message - the message struct containing the fields to serialize.


  • length of the serialized message in bytes

Undefined Behavior

  • buffer is NULL
  • message is NULL
  • message doesn't fit in the buffer
  • message->fields is NULL
  • value_len or tag_len are different from the actual lengths of the strings
  • value or tag is NULL
  • field_count is different from the actual number of fields in the message