
The following function prototypes can be found in the deserialization.h header file.

#include <flashfix/deserialization.h>

These functions only verify the structural integrity of messages in terms of format, checksum, and body length. They do not validate the correctness of the messages (e.g. duplicate tags, invalid values, etc.).


uint16_t ff_deserialize(char *restrict buffer, const uint16_t buffer_size, fix_message_t *restrict message);


deserializes a fix message by tokenizing the buffer in place: replacing '=' and '\x01' delimiters with '\0' and store pointers to the beginning of each field and value in the message struct.


  • buffer - the buffer which contains the full serialized message
  • buffer_size - the size of the buffer in bytes
  • message - the message struct where to store the deserialized fields, with the following conditions:
  • fields already allocated with the maximum number of fields that you expect to receive
  • field_count set to the size of the fields array (i.e. the maximum number of fields that can be stored)
  • everything else should be zeroed (0' or NULL)


  • length of the deserialized message in bytes
  • 0 in case of error (see Errors)

Undefined Behavior

  • buffer is NULL
  • message is NULL
  • message->fields is NULL
  • message->fields is not allocated
  • message->field_count is different from the actual size of the fields array
  • buffer_size is different from the actual size of the buffer
  • buffer does not contain a full message


  • wrong beginstring
  • no body length
  • checksum mismatch
  • body length mismatch
  • too many fields


bool ff_is_complete(const char *buffer, const uint16_t len);


checks if a buffer contains a full fix message (i.e. it ends with a checksum followed by a '\x01' delimiter)


  • buffer - the buffer which contains the full serialized message
  • len - the length of the filled part of the buffer in bytes


  • true if the buffer contains a full message
  • false otherwise

Undefined Behavior

  • buffer is NULL
  • len is 0